Recommended Daily Interview Problem Newsletter

Vidya Bhandary
2 min readNov 23, 2020


TLDR — Subscribe to the daily interview problem newsletter at Quastor Daily. It is a wonderful newsletter to help prepare for technical interviews.

This is not a paid recommendation !!! All opinions are my own.

I don’t know where I came across this newsletter first but I have not regretted signing up for it. In fact I have now removed most other algorithm subscriptions in favor of this one.

What’s in the newsletter ?

One gets an interview problem in the mail along with the solution to the previous day’s problem (In Python3). Curated Tech News is also a part of the mail.

So why do I like it ? Let me list the reasons -

1. No sign-in required to view the solutions.

Yes, yes this is not a deal breaker if the content is really good but I like that even this small (grain in the shoe type of friction?) hindrance is removed. All solutions are found at a public link. No logging in required!!

2. Explanation of the logic

A through explanation of the logic followed in the code solution is part of the mail. Some oft repeating tips are very helpful in understanding how to approach particular type of problems. Basic test cases are also part of the solution.

3. Not restricted to only coding questions

Map Reduce, Rate Limiting, ACID, Leader Election etc. — the questions are not restricted solely to coding.

4. Clean Design

I like that the design is clean and not cluttered. After the recent change in the order of items it is even better.

5. Tech Dives

Newly added — this really helps round one’s preparation as well as understand concepts in greater depth.

6. Almost a one-stop solution

Because the questions are not limited to coding, it is almost like a one-stop solution to prepare for a programming interview. I say almost because language specific idiosyncrasies are not covered ! I think it should remain as is in this aspect.

7. Misc

- I was not able to get my head around a dynamic programming solution (work in progress) but the author responded with relevant links towards understanding this. Other queries were also met with helpful suggestions.

- I really like the Tech News section. Did not know Cryptokitties were a thing !!

- There was a recent chance to have a mock interview with a google engineer.

- I feel the newsletter improves a little bit everyday. Hope it continues to do so !

It is said the power of your routine is built in your daily habits.

I am happy to have found this newsletter which has helped me make this a daily habit ! (almost! I do miss a few days).

Stuck somewhere ? Check out program visualization of code at this awesome website. Support for other languages is also present but I have not checked them out.

Have fun !

